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Text File  |  1991-09-20  |  21KB  |  262 lines

  1. ╔══════════════════════════╤═════════════════════════╤═════════════════════════╗
  2. ║Keyboard Quick Reference  │Primary                  │Alternate                ║
  3. ╟──────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────╢
  4. ║Project                   │<F9>                     │                         ║
  5. ║Execute                   │<AltE>                   │                         ║
  6. ║Build all                 │                         │                         ║
  7. ║Symbols                   │                         │                         ║
  8. ║Compile                   │<AltC>                   │                         ║
  9. ║Assemble                  │<AltA>                   │                         ║
  10. ║Debug                     │<AltD>                   │                         ║
  11. ║pRofiler                  │<AltP>                   │                         ║
  12. ║Touch                     │<AltT>                   │                         ║
  13. ║Grep                      │<AltG>                   │                         ║
  14. ║Linker                    │<AltL>                   │                         ║
  15. ║FullDb                    │                         │                         ║
  16. ║Tool 9                    │                         │                         ║
  17. ║Tool 10                   │                         │                         ║
  18. ╙──────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────╜
  19. ╓──────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────╖
  20. ║Set primary file name     │<AltF>                   │                         ║
  21. ║Make current file primary │<AltH>                   │                         ║
  22. ║Set autosave time         │                         │                         ║
  23. ║Next error file           │<CtrlF5>                 │                         ║
  24. ║Next error                │<F5>                     │                         ║
  25. ║Previous error            │<F4>                     │                         ║
  26. ║Compile options           │                         │                         ║
  27. ║Assemble options          │                         │                         ║
  28. ║Debug options             │                         │                         ║
  29. ║pRofiler options          │                         │                         ║
  30. ║Touch options             │                         │                         ║
  31. ║Grep options              │                         │                         ║
  32. ║Linker options            │                         │                         ║
  33. ║FullDb options            │                         │                         ║
  34. ║Tool 9 options            │                         │                         ║
  35. ║Tool 10 options           │                         │                         ║
  36. ╙──────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────╜
  37. ╓──────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────╖
  38. ║Character left            │<Lft>                    │<CtrlS>                  ║
  39. ║Character right           │<Rgt>                    │<CtrlD>                  ║
  40. ║Word left                 │<CtrlLft>                │<CtrlA>                  ║
  41. ║Word right                │<CtrlRgt>                │<CtrlF>                  ║
  42. ║Line up                   │<Up>                     │<CtrlE>                  ║
  43. ║Line down                 │<Dn>                     │<CtrlX>                  ║
  44. ║Scroll up                 │<CtrlW>                  │                         ║
  45. ║Scroll down               │<CtrlZ>                  │                         ║
  46. ║Page down                 │<PgDn>                   │<CtrlC>                  ║
  47. ║Page up                   │<PgUp>                   │<CtrlR>                  ║
  48. ║Top of window             │<CtrlPgUp>               │<CtrlQ><CtrlR>           ║
  49. ║Bottom of window          │<CtrlPgDn>               │<CtrlQ><CtrlC>           ║
  50. ║Cursor to left side       │<Home>                   │<CtrlQ><CtrlS>           ║
  51. ║Cursor to right side      │<End>                    │<CtrlQ><CtrlD>           ║
  52. ║Top of screen             │<CtrlHome>               │<CtrlQ><CtrlE>           ║
  53. ║Bottom of screen          │<CtrlEnd>                │<CtrlQ><CtrlX>           ║
  54. ╙──────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────╜
  55. ╓──────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────╖
  56. ║Go to line                │<CtrlJ><CtrlL>           │                         ║
  57. ║Go to column              │<CtrlJ><CtrlC>           │                         ║
  58. ║Go to window              │<CtrlJ><CtrlW>           │                         ║
  59. ║Top of block              │<CtrlQ><CtrlB>           │                         ║
  60. ║Bottom of block           │<CtrlQ><CtrlK>           │                         ║
  61. ║Jump marker 0             │<CtrlQ>0                 │                         ║
  62. ║Jump marker 1             │<CtrlQ>1                 │                         ║
  63. ║Jump marker 2             │<CtrlQ>2                 │                         ║
  64. ║Jump marker 3             │<CtrlQ>3                 │                         ║
  65. ║Jump marker 4             │<CtrlQ>4                 │                         ║
  66. ║Jump marker 5             │<CtrlQ>5                 │                         ║
  67. ║Jump marker 6             │<CtrlQ>6                 │                         ║
  68. ║Jump marker 7             │<CtrlQ>7                 │                         ║
  69. ║Jump marker 8             │<CtrlQ>8                 │                         ║
  70. ║Jump marker 9             │<CtrlQ>9                 │                         ║
  71. ║Set marker 0              │<CtrlK>0                 │                         ║
  72. ║Set marker 1              │<CtrlK>1                 │                         ║
  73. ║Set marker 2              │<CtrlK>2                 │                         ║
  74. ║Set marker 3              │<CtrlK>3                 │                         ║
  75. ║Set marker 4              │<CtrlK>4                 │                         ║
  76. ║Set marker 5              │<CtrlK>5                 │                         ║
  77. ║Set marker 6              │<CtrlK>6                 │                         ║
  78. ║Set marker 7              │<CtrlK>7                 │                         ║
  79. ║Set marker 8              │<CtrlK>8                 │                         ║
  80. ║Set marker 9              │<CtrlK>9                 │                         ║
  81. ║Previous cursor position  │<CtrlQ><CtrlP>           │                         ║
  82. ║Up to equal indent        │<CtrlJ><CtrlB>           │<CtrlUp>                 ║
  83. ║Down to equal indent      │<CtrlJ><CtrlE>           │<CtrlDn>                 ║
  84. ║Next sentence             │<CtrlQ><CtrlZ>           │                         ║
  85. ║Previous sentence         │<CtrlQ><CtrlW>           │                         ║
  86. ║Set a marker via menu     │                         │                         ║
  87. ║Jump to marker by menu    │                         │                         ║
  88. ╙──────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────╜
  89. ╓──────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────╖
  90. ║New line                  │<CtrlM>                  │                         ║
  91. ║Insert line               │<CtrlN>                  │                         ║
  92. ║Insert control char       │<CtrlP>                  │                         ║
  93. ║Delete current character  │<Del>                    │<CtrlG>                  ║
  94. ║Delete left character     │<CtrlH>                  │                         ║
  95. ║Delete right word         │<CtrlT>                  │                         ║
  96. ║Delete left word          │<CtrlBks>                │                         ║
  97. ║Delete line right         │<CtrlQ><CtrlY>           │                         ║
  98. ║Delete line               │<CtrlY>                  │                         ║
  99. ║Delete Line (no undo)     │                         │                         ║
  100. ╙──────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴────────────────────